Obsessive compulsive disorder - OCD treatment and therapy from NOCD
OCD therapist Tiffani Smith, Licensed Therapist, MA, LPC, Licensed OCD Therapist

Tiffani Smith


4 years of experience

Licensed Therapist, MA, LPC


I take an authentic, non-judgmental approach to OCD therapy. I believe that's essential to success for both the member and myself. Outside of work, I enjoy exercising, taking walks, lifting weights and especially doing cardio with my favorite music! I read a lot about metaphysics and practice meditation regularly. I'm the mom of a 13-year-old boy, and much of my free time is spent with him or taking him places.

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I always recommend authenticity. I seek to understand first, not only in my professional life but my personal life too.

Get to know Tiffani Smith

I've always known I wanted to be in a helping role, and I've had a strong interest in psychology since I was a teenager. This has always felt like my calling. My interest has always been in helping people move out of survival mode and learn to thrive. I believe this is achievable with the right mindset and guidance. Most of my experience has been in group homes where these were the common diagnoses, but our goal was always the same.

I've seen the positive results exposure therapy can have. ERP is a type of exposure therapy, an evidence-based practice proven to help people with OCD. I'm a results-driven person.

I've worked primarily with adults and teenagers with addiction/substance use disorders, PTSD, anxiety disorders, ADHD, ODD, and depression.

Be prepared to put the work in, but know it's for your own well-being and will help you reach your goals.

I always recommend authenticity. It's OK to say, 'I'm not comfortable sharing that today.' We will work together to get you there.

NOCD therapists are trained by our world-renowned clinical leadership team.

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Insurance Coverages

  • United Healthcare / Optum
  • Blue Cross Blue Shield - Rhode Island
  • Cigna
  • Aetna
  • Forest County Potawatomi



Badges and training

Languages spoken

  • English

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